This will be weird.
At least, it will be weird for me. Your mileage may vary.
I'm starting this blog to try and make sense of the nonsensical. To reconcile what's happening in what used to be known as reality with an ever growing body of evidence that there's far more in heaven and earth Horatio than etc. etc.
Note that when I say evidence, I mean signs, symbols, omens and portents. Snippets and odds and ends that to this observer have begun to slot together in a different way.
Maybe this blog will find a reader, even just one, who is also seeing things in a similar way. Or maybe it will simply highlight that the author has stepped too far from the path and really needs to take more water with it, or get a grip.
Time will tell. For now, welcome to the Hotel Apophenia and for those who haven't come across the word before:
Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiːniə/) is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things.[1] The term (German: Apophänie) was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia.[2] He defined it as "unmotivated seeing of connections [accompanied by] a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness".[3][4] He described the early stages of delusional thought as self-referential over-interpretations of actual sensory perceptions, as opposed to hallucinations.[1][5]
Apophenia has come to imply a human propensity to seek patterns in random information, such as gambling.
Maybe this sums it up!
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