Should you have taken a very wrong turn on the web, this next post is going to be tricky. Mixing drinks is dangerous, mixing conspiracy theories doubly so. For context then see the Unified Colour Theory / Movie theory from Blogos's Hermetic Lessons site as well as Q post decodes from Symbolism Communications blog, both mentioned in the previous post. Like all my other attempts at prescience this will likely fail badly so none of my errors should reflect on the worthy creators of the above content.
The UCP theory suggests eleven years from Inception (2011) on a journey down the Qabalistic Tree of Life, from 2020 moving to the Qlippoth, the inverted tree of death. Blogos posited a link between each year and a movie. This year we're enjoying an extended live action riff on 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'. So much for the idea that Wagner would get the Apocalypse soundtrack gig.
Symbols meanwhile says the Biden administration is a placeholder whilst the military occupation of DC is completed and election fraud is revealed. One guy worked this up into quite a detailed plan here. Of course there's a counter argument to each and any of this, but for the purposes of this post I'm not making any other claim than the actual Q posts themselves and documented strange events of the past 3 years make this worthy of investigation. So if you're dismissing this because of the grifters and GOP hopium addicts that have gravitated to it, I feel you, but it's the kernel of this nut I'm referring to.
Alles Klar?
What's that? They don't lend themselves to a one paragraph summation? Never mind that, remember the folk who don't believe in Magick are just as annoyed by now as those that think the entirety of Q is a LARP.
Anyway, screw reality, we're talking casting. the real question is Donald Trump
Our Riff-Raff?
Let's look at January and the first 8 minutes of RHPS. It begins with a wedding,
Is that Frank N Furter et al or just actors on a low budget flick filling in? The performances carry a hint of the former, but it's unclear. Riff-Raff, if it is he, is very much in the background. January is bookended by the 6th Jan Capitol incident and the inauguration.
Trump's speech on 6th Jan runs late so he misses the Capitol fun and games. On Inauguration day he's
gone by the ceremony but a 21 gun send off (the only man to receive the Presidential salute that day) before he leaves with the nuclear football ensures he's in the background for both events.
The wedding over, Brad and Janet set forth on their journey and take a wrong turn as the radio plays Nixon, syncing nicely with another fallen US President's departure speech. Riff-Raff answers the door of the castle and, crucially, he begins the time warp. He signals the 'Jump to the left' which Biden's DNC promises and then a step to the right. Magenta joins in and they lead the Transylvanians before the star of the show arrives. They will return to the timewarp at the movies end, which suggests the actions taken then are essential in its conclusion.
When 'Sweet Transvestite' kicks in Frank takes over the movie. He holds everyone's attention, even as his empire is clearly falling until the rebellion of Riff-Raff and Magenta seals his doom. Riff Raff meanwhile, like Trump, is 'a little brought down'. He's basically kicked around and ignored till the big reveal at the floor show:
The timing could fit with the Arizona audit process and the ongoing election fraud saga gaining traction?
So my castle in the sand rests on Trump becoming the following: A character who is significant at the start and the end of the year. A reversal in fortune following the fall of the current El Supremo. The future would prove the past. A fall in the current power structure would also tee the world up for 2022, 'A Clockwork Orange' because one of the main themes of Symbolism Decodes blog is the large number of MK Ultra individuals who remain unaccounted for. Sufficient to kick off a year of ultra violence?
If this reading is correct, who's who?
Brad and Janet are stand-ins for the American people. They are hopelessly naïve at the start of the movie and will undergo a painful revelation and transformation by its close. They flirt with Frank N Furter and have their own share of responsibility in the events that follow.
Columbia, I think could be the body politic, in one sense District of Columbia itself, both DNC and Liz Cheney faction of the GOP. She's besotted by Frank but abandoned by him in favour of Rocky.
Frank 'N Furter is Joe Biden / Cabal structure. Like Frank he has two sons a 'good one' and a bad one who resents the former and is addicted to rockn'roll porn. The alleged pay-offs from Ukraine and China as well as 40 years in DC suggest ''A man of little morals and some persuasion'
Eddie I think equates to US imperialism, which died in the debacle of Kabul at the hands of Frank N Furter. It's the 'toxic masculinity' of the globalist project, which is gradually revealed to be tainted by rock n' roll porn and opium profiteering.
Magenta. Pelosi wielding the 25th amendment? AOC? Or as none of those seem to fit particularly well if the Q narrative is true, those elements of the US military and intelligence structure which have sided with Trump against the ruling cabal. This decode is weak, but will have to suffice for now.
Dr Scott is CIA/other agencies that owe their origins to Operation Paperclip. Should be fighting Frank N Furter but instead more interested in tech gains and also falls to temptation in the Floor Scene. Implicated in Eddie's fall.
Rocky - the WEF/Great Reset globalist project. A new creation which Frank believes is the future but is hopelessly flawed from the outset due to the compromises in construction. Rocky and Frank's fates are intertwined.
Testing this?
By my reckoning there's a signal of disgruntlement with Frank's leadership from Magenta imminent around Sep 1st Columbia / Biden's political support starts to ebb following this and she turns on him after Brad, Janet and Dr Scott are paralysed by the Medusa.
(I think this will be an information reveal that shocks people into inaction. Something is going to surface which calls the current accepted status quo into question and puts people on the back foot.)
Columbia forces Frank to choose between her and Rocky and loses out being frozen by a gleeful Magenta. On this read a key DNC figure will turn on Biden, maybe on virus origins? and will be silenced/cancelled for it. Then there's the question of how on earth they do the floor number before Riff-Raff brandishes the Laser Trident around October and the power structure is overturned!
'He's a pilgrim and a preacher and a problem when he's stoned
He's a walking contradiction Partly truth and partly fiction Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home'
'The Pilgrim' - Kris Kristofferson
If you take every direction possible, you'll head down plenty of wrong ones before you find your way, if you ever do. I've been taking some of the lesser followed paths in recent times. I've not found my way home, but I've found much to ponder, truth amongst the fiction. This blog is really a place for me to work out which is which, but if someone does happen on it and wants to understand wtf I'm referring to perhaps a brief list of some of the places that I've found useful and some due credit to their creators would be useful:
The Secret Sun - I really like the way Chris Knowles thinks and he sets out some deep subjects with wit and good humour alongside some perceptive analysis. There's a great crew following his posts in the Den of Intrigue, which is where I found the next site.
Blogos - The Hermetic Lessons. There's a mass of intriguing content here, stretching back several years and much of it beyond my ken. A world of Alchemy, Magick and the possibility of interactions with worlds and entities beyond our own. An accessible entry point could be the intriguing Unified Colour Theory, which I'll refer to in subsequent posts.
Miles Mathis - Some of the most intriguing and well argued deconstructions of establishment views of history. History is not just bunk, it's bunkum squared. Is this site a 'Revelation of the Method', does Miles exist? Perhaps one day he'll write his own expose. Count nothing out.
Quantum of Consicence - the Youtube home of Matt Mckinlay. There's another MM 13 x 2 synchro to keep my paranoia simmering nicely. Matt is one of the most likeable voices I've come across. Again, leavens the darker side with good humour. Some very interesting spiritual insights but delivered with a self deprecating style that could almost grant him honorary English status, should he ever wish to have such a thing.
The Illuminatimatrix - Bryan Kermilla is one of those one man band content creators that may walk the fine line between inspiration and insanity. I can't say I completely grasp his grand project, there's a lot of shooting and missing, but there's also some inspired moments of parallel drawing, language deconstruction, pattern recognition. The site is a sprawling wordpress blog that's so full of content that it's initially intimidating.
Amalulla - like Bryan's site, a labour of love from one man. The message is bleak, cataclysmic destruction looms as the earth is subjected to a cycle of rebirth. There's analysis of ancient architecture, Masonic symbolism, religious texts and more.
Symbolism Communication - in around 2019 a reader of the Q posts began to post interpretations of news articles based upon some of the concepts which had been raised by Q, particularly the idea that there was a hidden comms language in use in mainstream media. An initial following on Twitter was curtailed following the purging of accounts and he or she then resurfaced with a blog which has rapidly expanded. The world according to Symbols is very different from the one we know. Well known movies, tv shows, kids cartoons all may be carrying messages that most cannot recognise. What's more striking is their interpretation of the silly stories that somehow gain massive exposure, either at the end of a bulletin or within news sites and papers. Learn the comms and never see the news in the same way again,
There's more of course, but I think that's enough for one post.
Sunday, 8 August 2021
I missed a trick.
'Welcome to the Hotel Apophenia' could've been the setup line for a riff on The Eagles and their mega platinum hit 'Hotel California'. In itself a rabbit hole, not to mention the band themselves, their influences, the album covers, the rumours about the bust that was somehow made to go away.
Probably for the best. You can check check out whatever time you like, but if you notice the logo on the credit card looks like something from an ancient grimoire, or that wiring diagram on the side of the room heater appears to incorporate Enochian demonic sigils from works of John Dee and Edward Kelly, you can never leave.
So, what's on the menu? Could we have kippers for breakfast? Let's start with wisdom. The path I've taken has required me to leave many of the cosy assumptions I once held.
'Forget all you know about yourself; forget all you have ever thought about yourself; start as if you know nothing.'
At least, it will be weird for me. Your mileage may vary.
I'm starting this blog to try and make sense of the nonsensical. To reconcile what's happening in what used to be known as reality with an ever growing body of evidence that there's far more in heaven and earth Horatio than etc. etc.
Note that when I say evidence, I mean signs, symbols, omens and portents. Snippets and odds and ends that to this observer have begun to slot together in a different way.
Maybe this blog will find a reader, even just one, who is also seeing things in a similar way. Or maybe it will simply highlight that the author has stepped too far from the path and really needs to take more water with it, or get a grip.
Time will tell. For now, welcome to the Hotel Apophenia and for those who haven't come across the word before:
Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiːniə/) is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things.[1] The term (German: Apophänie) was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia.[2] He defined it as "unmotivated seeing of connections [accompanied by] a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness".[3][4] He described the early stages of delusional thought as self-referential over-interpretations of actual sensory perceptions, as opposed to hallucinations.[1][5]
Apophenia has come to imply a human propensity to seek patterns in random information, such as gambling.